
Jonction2 is now ver 2.01 ; it can:
- for DIODES: compute (based on depletion approx.) and plot : xn,xp versus Nd; Id(Vab) versus Nd,Na,wp,wn; Id versus Vab,etc
- for BJT : Ie(vbc,vbe), Ic(vbc,vbe), Ib ....
- for MOS-capacitor :
- for MOSFET: (using gradual channel approx.) Vt, Vfb, etc.
- for SPUTTER: lambda vs p; E vs V; n vs I; J,Jsub, Vgrowth
- for EVAPORATION: J vs (p, T); film growth rate; v growth vs time, temp, pressure, geometric factors, etc
- for DIFFUSION: for surface source (exp), diffusion length for constat source (vapor source; erfc)
- for CVD: film growth rate, etc.
- for OXIDATION: compute oxide growth rate,etc -under implementation-
- for CHEMICAL ETCH:....-under implementation-
- for PHYSICAL ETCH:....-under implementation-
- for CHARGES: electrodynamics+gravity (including Lorentz Force) real time simulation
- for ELECTRO-MAGNETIC WAVES: power received at receiver, max. bandwidth,etc
- for SIMIMULATION: the program has the ability to log data to disk and then display particle 3D "traces" for a variable amount of data.
- for CHEMICAL-ELEMENTS: elements datasheets with constants (density, ionizing energy, atomic radius, etc)
- for MIRRORS: parabolic mirror algorithm to compute geometrical values + 3D viewer of parabolic shape
- compute spectral lines (momentanly using simple formula)
- do heating analysis (compute energies need to heat materials)
- compute parameters for storing energy using gravity and masses
- forces transformations
- do analysis for physical chemistry

The main purpose of Jonction2 is to offer complete calculation of parameters needed to grow a double-jonction diode solar cell : Donor, Acceptor concetration(s); jonctions physical length; voltage, intensity, pressure and time needed to grow each jonction using sputtering.
As an add-on, it contains the library [chimie.dll] . You can use this library to visualize PUNCTUAL CHARGE DYNAMICS.
It computes, using superposition, total electric force, electric field, magnetic force, gravitational force acting on charged/uncharged SPHERES with mass as dimension.
The minimal distance at which the electric, magnetic and gravitational forces are still acting on two particles/masses is set to be :
  • E=m*c2 / (1-v2/c2) = q1 * q2 / (4 * π * r2) = G * m1 * m2 / r2
  • Also for Lorentz force:E=m*c2 / (1-v2/c2) = q1 * v x B x dr
    The actual used form in the program is more complex .... See source for details .

    chimie.dll is a part of Jonction2 now ....